Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Give Them A Voice

Last week, I got a casual text from my friend Dawn. "Hey girl, ya got any Peter Piper's Buffet Coupons?"

I started texting with Dawn. And she told me, that our little foundation had given her a little idea. To reach out to other women...who are going through domestic violence. Late last year, she spoke to some people at our local Police Department. And her little group was born. In January they started meeting. And started helping women.

So my dear friend, wanted to help in any way possible. She is a survivor of domestic violence. Like the horrific kind...that you see on TV. Things that you just can't begin to imagine. Unless you seen them. With your own eyes. 

After nearly 2 months, of meetings and helping these other beautiful women, Dawn wanted to take some of these ladies that she's met...and their small kids, to lunch. Give them a little something. After talking with the local manager...they agreed to give them a free kid's buffet and $10 of tokens...for every paying adult. So she thought she could save a few bucks with the coupons. And maybe take a few more ladies.

I hopped onto my private Facebook page to ask for coupons. And I was surprised at the messages I got. From other Domestic Violence Survivors. People I would have never thought of. People who are currently going through it. And so many that wanted to help.

Immediately I called Dawn. We now live just over 3 hours from each other. But we text daily. Call a few times a week. FaceTime. I'm the Godmother to 2 of her precious babes. 

But it didn't start out that way. Dawn actually was the last person I thought...who would live through something like this. So I asked her to share her story. She's not on social media. A million years ago, she had a blog. But she wanted me to share with you. 

Here we go...

When I met Dawn, we were both in college. She was a little older than me. Had a boyfriend. Seemed to really be enjoying the college experience. I on the other hand, was a first time homeowner, working, going to school, doing music stuff, and adjusting to life on my own. We met casually in passing. One day at the 4H House. 

Our band was playing. And she was there with her guy. For whatever reason, there was a big BBQ going on. I mean, we're talking about a bunch of real cowboys. Just because today's Wednesday, they'd have a HUGE BBQ. And then call our band...because we had to dance!

I was just getting to know my "Cowboy Friends." Everyone else felt like family. They knew each other. Knew each other's real character. Or so we thought...

A couple of years later, Dawn and I would have a class together. We were in the same college. And had to take this class as part of the School of Ag curriculum. Nothing fancy. Just a core class about government and farming. 

I didn't know Dawn well. But then again, I didn't know lots of the band's ladies either. Now we're the best of friends... family to be honest. During that semester Dawn and I worked on a couple of projects together. We'd see each other in the halls. Or the library. Somewhere along the line, I gave her my email and phone number. Probably to set up a time, to finish a project.

And then we went on with life. I changed my major. And I really was head over heels, in academics and work. I went to Summer School, I worked, I played music. About a year later, I was talking to my friend J and asked him, what happened to Dawn and her guy. I hadn't seen them in a while. He said they got married. And he thought Dawn was taking some time off of school. 

I didn't think much about it. Maybe she was expecting. Who knew. As I got deeper into my degree program, I saw Dawn's guy one day. I was running to grab something to eat, on my way to class. He told me they had gotten married. And she was pregnant. So she was going to take the year off of school. I thought, how cool. And told him to tell her Hi for me. 

Little did I know, it had started. And my friend was in trouble. She essentially had no family. And was pretty much cut off from all of her friends. But we didn't know. And by looking at her would have never known!

I didn't find it odd that I rarely saw this man. Or never saw Dawn. Honestly, during this time in my life...I rarely saw my own family. If it wasn't related to work, school, or music...I was probably sleeping. All 3 hours a night! 

Until one day. I was working at the Ranch...and got the weirdest call...

A meek little voice...was on my phone. I somewhat recognized it. But wasn't 100% sure. The voice sounded so small. So weak. So afraid. "Lola can you help me? Get J and come quick. I'm at (her address)." Then she hung up.

I busted into J's office, next to mine, and said we have to go. Do you know where this address is? There was just something in her voice...that made my blood run cold. 

My friend owns over 300 acres of land. We were essentially in the middle of nowhere. All I can really remember was him grabbing his gun and his dogs. And we were off.

We sped down the highway. And then onto a dirt road. That seemed to take forever. He knew this place. Or the property neighboring it. Why? Because he was actually looking at buying it. When we got to the house, nothing looked out of place. The yard was perfect. The house had recently been painted. There was an American flag gently blowing in the breeze. But there were also no real signs of life. J asked, "Are you sure this is it?"

Something felt wrong. Different. Scary. Unsure. Not right. The dogs were in the bed of the truck. And they just didn't seem right either. They were tense. Ears straight up. The chill Ranch dogs, that slept all day, looked like they wanted to kill something.

We slowly got out of the truck. And if anyone knows J, he's a 6'3" cowboy. Muscles for days. At the time, I was 98 lbs soaking wet. Standing there in a pencil skirt and 5" heels. Looking more like I was ready to sell this house...than break into it. 

"Lola why don't you stay in the car?" I nodded no. Something inside me... said we had to go in. WE had to. Not just J. So he pulled out his gun. Practically hide me from the world, behind his body...and we moved forward.  

We walked up to the house. Across the porch. With the swing swaying in the breeze. And realized, you couldn't see through the windows. You didn't see curtains. Just black. The doors seemed extra secure too. Multiple locks. 

Guys that was a HUGE red flag! I lived in the small town. Never locked my doors! Not in 10 years. And here in a very rural area, they had almost 10 locks. On every single door. 

We walked all the way around the house...and there was no noise. Just the sound of the Earth under our shoes. I pulled my phone out...and called the number back.

That little voice answered. "Are you here? Please help us! We're locked in." And she started to cry. It was then, that my big 'ol Cowboy friend, beat down the door. Splintered it to nothing. He was just as determined as I was, to find our friend.

J and I would talk about this later. He would tell me, that the stillness told him something was wrong. Because we did not hear a thing! Not even a bird chirp. It wasn't just the panic in my voice and on my was something he felt in his gut.

The house was dark. It was musty. The air was thick. Stale. Like fresh air, hadn't been inside for years! I remember feeling disoriented. Because of the darkness. But feeling like we needed to find Dawn. And fast. 

There was no noise. The house wasn't big. Everything was minimal. In it's place. Almost like no one lived there. No signs of the toddler age child. The one baby that I figured Dawn had. 

We looked in every closet and room. Inside the bathtub. Behind the couch. In the kitchen cabinets. Finally we found a closed door at the end of the hallway. 

It was one of those moments, when you swear every part of your body stops. J opened the door slowly. We could hear the tiniest sound of crying. Coming from the corner of the room. And we found Dawn and her babies. Huddled in the corner of her bedroom closet. Probably a 2'X2' space. 4 very small children, piled on top of a badly beaten woman. A woman that I barely recognized.

It was like a horror story. I didn't know what to do first. I was paralyzed in that moment. Unable to move or to speak.

Dawn quietly called me to her. And she handed me the sweetest baby girl. Wrapped in a bedsheet. And told me to take her to a safe place. The look of panic, coming from some place deep in her eyes. 

I still had no idea what was going on. Where was her husband? What was going on? Had someone tried to rob her? Take her kids? Try to kill her? 

What I had failed to notice on our way in, were the windows. They were all boarded up. There was no natural light in the house. Not only was my friend scared to death. Her and her babies were so fragile and thin. 

J helped Dawn with her other 3 kiddos. All I can really remember, was getting to the truck, with the tiniest baby girl. Sitting in the front seat, looking around. Feeling like trouble was about to get us. 

J drove a million MPH back down this dirt road. On the phone with the Sheriff's Department. His face white as a ghost. And my friend was in the back seat, holding 3 very frightened kiddos. They were 1, 2, and 3 years old. 

What we didn't know at the time, that horrible man passed us. On the dirt road. Just before we got to the highway. He realized he had forgotten his phone. And he was going back home to get it. He would later tell the police, he had seen J and I. Figured that J was trying to buy that property that was for sale. 

It wasn't until he got to his house, that he realized what had happened. When he ran, he tried to figure out how to get back to Dawn. Thinking one of us, had to be keeping them. Thankfully, I hadn't returned home...while he was on the run. And fortunately he was caught and arrested a few days later. They actually caught him, watching my house. 

J and I had managed to get the 5 of them back to the Ranch. The next couple of weeks were a blur. We fixed up one of J's "Worker Houses" for Dawn and her kiddos. All of our friends would band together to get furniture, clothes, toys, food, and everything they could need. The guys would take turns, staying outside the house. Just in case. Every single night. For about 6 months. 

And one night, on my way home from work...I decided to text my friend. To see if she was OK. She hadn't yet wanted to talk about what had happened. Not to me. To the police...she had to. But to those of us who had known her...she didn't want to talk.

Dawn had trusted me. Had called me to get her out of the situation she was in. I still don't really know, why it was me. Or how she remembered my phone number. But she had. And I'm so grateful for that. 

Prior to this night, when Dawn had needed to talk to the police...she had only trusted me with her sweet babies. I'd spend any free time I had...with her. J knew she needed it...and would send me over there. When I was supposed to be working. "Lola they're more important than payroll and invoices. I can figure these things out." 

But at 2AM, as I was making the regular 45 minute drive home...she asked me to go over. Here's the thing, I was scared. Almost as much, as I had been the day she had first called me. Something inside of me...told me, she's ready to tell you what happened.

My friend's parents unexpectedly passed away. When she was 16 years old, they were killed in a car accident. And then she went to live with her grandma. Who unfortunately passed away, during Dawn's torture.

When it came time for her to go to college, she picked our little school. Because it was in a small town. And the average class size was like 20 students. That's how she got here.

She met her ex-husband almost immediately. Around the dorms. Had he intentionally picked her out? Or had they really fallen in love? Was he this horrible man from the beginning? Or did something really change after they became parents? Had he ever been the good guy...that people had thought he was?

When I met them, they were in love! They frequently showed up were the band was playing. They'd dance all night. You'd see them at games. And about the time that I had Dawn in my class, they got married. At our University. And moved from Student Housing on campus, to this cute little house. It was way out of town. In a rural farming area. But it didn't bother her. Because her husband was going to school for agriculture stuff. They had talked about one day, buying a little farm. She was so excited to start a family!

Right after their first son was born, he started hitting her. Maybe she hadn't done the laundry. Or hadn't ironed his jeans for the next day. Maybe there were too many bottles in the drying rack. She never really knew, why he'd get mad.

Things started to get rough. He told her, they couldn't afford for her to go to school anymore. And he took her phone away. Disconnected their home phone. Basically he left her out in the middle of nowhere. Then she got pregnant again. And things really started to get bad. He became jealous of their little baby boy. Stopped taking her to the doctor.

Dawn was getting beat up, raped, and tied up. A few times a week. It's not like they had neighbors close by. No one was going to hear her screaming for help. After about a year...she told me, she stopped screaming.

Then he started locking her in the house. He covered the windows. And the locks he put on things, were out of control! But from the outside, the house looked normal. Actually, well kept.

She told me, the rapings got more violent. He'd beat her, until blood splattered the walls. Then he'd demand her to clean it up. And kick her, as she scrubbed the floors.

During this time, she'd have 4 babies. In less than 4 years. She'd barely get enough food. He'd lock it up. And make her do unthinkable things, for that food. So she could feed her small children. I honestly have no she had enough breast milk to feed her baby girls.

My friend finally had enough, when their oldest was nearing school age. Because he wasn't going to be allowed to go to school. She had actually had their 3 youngest at home. Because this crazy man, didn't want Dawn or her kids anywhere near people.

As she raised the question of school...he started eyeing their son. Becoming more aggressive towards him. Belittling him...the way he talked to him. And she knew...she had to get her kids out, before he started to abuse them too.

Somehow, on that faithful day...he dropped his phone without realizing it. He was late to work. And as he sped away to work...she crawled under the bed, to get the phone. Then she called me. Who knows what would have happened, had he not lost his phone. Or if she hadn't remembered my phone number.

What happened after all of that? Well, he got arrested. There was so much evidence against him. They actually lived in our neighboring state. Which is a lot tougher on crimes. And he is now serving over 250 years. He was found guilty on all sorts of things ranging from rape to child abuse.

It was heartbreaking to go to court. To see their 2 sons have to tell what they saw. To explain how their dad would hurt their mom. How they'd try to help her clean up all the blood. Or try to help their mom feel better. They were 2 and 3 years old. The court would see videos of these innocent boys, explaining how some days their mom couldn't open her eyes. Because their dad had hit them so hard. Guys, I'd leave there some days...and just wonder how any person could do that.

My friend? Well, J let her stay in that house for 6 months. He would have let her stay there a lifetime. Not ever wanting a penny. But when Dawn started to feel a little comfortable, she wanted to work. Felt like she needed to help support her kids. She also felt like she needed to pay J a little rent...for that home he was giving her.

J gave her a job on the Ranch. Her and her kiddos went to therapy. A lot of therapy! J and I would bring the girls to our office almost every day. The Ranch was probably the best thing for all of them. It was off the beaten path. The kids could run around and be kids. Play with all the animals. Live. Without fear of other people. And one of the Ranch hands...he fell in love with my friend and her kids.

He was so kind. And patient. Things moved incredibly slowly. But he was OK with it. Most dates involved 4 kids, J, and I. Generally we would eat a meal, play dinosaurs with the boys, and have tummy time with the girls.

After a couple of years, they got married. The boys learned that they were safe. And 100% love school and sports. The girls, they don't remember anything. This family, is all that they remember. And that's for the best! They were just babies, when their mom saved them.

And my friend and her new husband...have added 4 more babes to their family. 2 sets of twin girls! The second set...a complete and honest surprise!

Not all stories end in a good way. In the years that have followed, Dawn has tried to help others. Whether it has been helping them find a job, a home to live in, or giving them things that her own family doesn't use anymore. She knows were these ladies are coming from.

Not everything is perfect. Dawn's boys still get anxious if they see someone fighting. They're so overprotective of their 6 sisters! And honestly, any kid they see who is being bullied. But you can bet your life, they are in a better place today...because of their brave momma.

So beyond taking 10-20 ladies out to the middle of March, my friend asked me for a little help. She's planning a Mother's Day Party for some of these ladies she's helping. She wants to try and make it an annual event.

Many of these ladies, like Dawn, leave with nothing but their kids. They're fearing for their lives. Possessions are the last thing on their minds.

I've been helping her plan this party. J agreed to host it at his house. And he's offered to pay for the food. Other friends have offered to pay for decorations. And well, I'm making those decorations. J has been awesome...carting supplies to my house. And he'll be back to pick up the items when I'm done.

But the one thing Dawn really wanted to do, was help these ladies. Get on their feet. The same way, we helped her. So she asked me...if I could help. Could I ask my people...for donations.

So she's looking for clothing. Any size or style. Things that you don't want anymore. Funny thing is, I was already cleaning out my closet. Going through stuff. And I was going to donate it here. But these ladies need it more. And their kids. Anything you'd wear or put on your kiddos.

Anything. Accessories, purses, backpacks. Whatever you don't need. I have a bunch of clothes and shoes. That are in good condition. I just don't use them anymore. So I think these ladies, could benefit from things I don't need.

Do you have any new or like new makeup or hair products that you don't use? Kids' bathing supplies. Anything of the sort? On Mother's Day, my friend Amanda has offered to cut ladies hair and do their makeup. And she's asked some of her friends in the Beauty Community to help too. It's great, when you have friends who are hairstylists and makeup artists.

They want to pamper these ladies. And get them ready for job interviews. So if you have anything...let me know. I keep thinking...if only I still made YT videos. Back in the day, Amanda and I did. And we'd be sent boxes of makeup. Usually we'd just give the stuff we didn't our friends. This would be a great place to donate it to.

Lastly, any household items. Recently my Mom and I went through our kitchen. And started giving stuff away. Like the old Coffee Pot that we never use. Those are the sorts of things, these ladies need. 

They're starting their lives over. With nothing. It's all welcomed and appreciated. Toasters, books for their kids, toys, old pans, even furniture. My friends down south...they're doing their own collection. And they're hoping to collect everything by the beginning of May.

But here. Where I live, I want to help too. I asked J if he could bring a trailer down. And he has happily agreed. So if you have anything you don't want...I'll be collecting stuff until around Easter. Anything. Including cards or letters of encouragement. Maybe a special stuffed animal or two...for the little ones.

I never really was touched by domestic violence...until my friend Dawn. Her story...the real details are so heartbreaking. Many of the details were kept out of the public. Because she was so afraid. And for her kids' protection. In fact, she read over this post. And we agreed on what is being shared. No names. No dates. Some details being left out...

It makes my heart so happy, that she's doing so well now. That she has found such an amazing man to love her and her kids. Most of all, to protect them. And the kids are doing good too. 

I'm so proud of my friend. For being brave enough to save herself and her family. And then, to want to help others in a similar situation. So any help at all, is welcome. 

And if you are in the middle of Domestic Violence...and need some help...please tell me. Reach out to someone you trust. Be brave enough to call 911. Or send me a message...I'm here. And I'll help you, find a way out too. I'm by no means an expert. But I am someone who cares. You are so worthy of being loved and appreciated. No one deserves to be abused or to live a life of fear.


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Women's Health

I've had a crazy amount of emails relating to this post. Mostly from teens and young women. Mostly asking about gynecological exams. Breast exams. But the hot topic, has been PAP Smears and Pelvic Exams. So I thought I'd post about this.

It's honestly, nothing to be afraid of. When you get your yearly physical, you generally will have these done. You can go to your PCP, for these things. Or you can request to see a gynecologist. If you are not comfortable with a male doctor, you will be sent to a female doctor...or midwife. So you might have your annual physical with one doctor...and your pelvic exam with another.

Basically, if you're under 18...your parent/guardian will be in the room. They will ask you a handful of questions. About your basic health. And ask if you have any questions. You will be asked to undress. Basically, you will just be wearing a paper gown and socks.

They will ask you to get on top of the exam table. And your doctor will give you a full body exam. They will look for any moles, discoloring, or any other abnormality on your skin. They will have you lay back. And will give you a breast exam. Your doctor should talk you through this. And if you've never had one done, they will teach you how to give yourself an exam. Remember monthly self exams are so important!

Honestly, this is super important. All of it. From them checking your the breast exam. Nothing should be painful. The doctor should try and make you feel as comfortable as possible. Nothing should feel inappropriate.

Next, they'll ask you to scoot to the bottom of the exam table. They probably gave you a paper drape. You may have been wearing it as a blanket. At the end of the table, the doctor will probably have their stool or chair. You might see a table, with supplies on it. And perhaps a light.

This is were it can vary for ladies. If you are not sexually active (still a virgin) you will just have a pelvic exam. In so many terms, if you are not putting anything in your vagina, you will not have a PAP Smear. No sex, no tampons, no just have a basic exam.

What happens? You slide your bottom all the way to the end of the table. You are lying down. And they will ask you to put your feet in stirrups. Let your knees completely relax, and fall to the sides. The most important part of this exam, to not feel pain, it to relax. This should not be painful.

The doctor will exam the exterior of your vagina. They are looking for anything that doesn't appear normal. This can be anything from the skin, to odor, the way you react to touch. Think of it like, when a doctor is examining your back for moles. Or something like that. They are just looking to make sure everything looks OK.

During this part of the exam, your doctor is looking at your vulva and the opening of your vagina. They are looking for warts, cysts, smells, signs of infection, abnormal discharge, or abnormal coloring.

They might palpate, or feel from the outside, your abdomen. To see if everything on the inside feels OK. If they don't find anything wrong, your exam is over. They'll probably remind you to do a monthly self breast exam. And you are done. If you are not sexually active, they may talk to you a little about safe sex practices.

Now if anything is going into your vagina. For sexual reasons or tampon use, you will have a PAP Smear. You will have had the same exam as above. But now, they are going to take a look inside. You may have noticed a few things on their side table of supplies. A large Q-tip looking thing. It will be used to take a discharge sample from your test for STDs. There is also probably a spatula looking item, that will be used to collect cells from your cervix (PAP Smear) to test for cancer or precancerous cells.

So when they begin this part of the exam, they will probably be talking to you. Literally telling you what they are going to do, right before they do it. Again it should not hurt. Or feel sexual in any way. They'll take a speculum, metal or plastic looking "duck's beak." And insert it into your vagina closed. When it is open the doctor will use it to separate the walls of your vagina. It should not hurt. If at any time, you feel pain, tell you doctor. Remember to stay relaxed. Your legs, muscles in your stomach and vagina should be as relaxed as possible.

The first thing they will probably do, is your PAP Smear. Then your swab for STDs. You might notice a little mirror. They use that to get a better look inside. Next you will have a manual exam. The doctor will put a gloved and lubricated finger or 2, into your vagina. They will gently press on your abdomen, to check your uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, any cysts, or tumors. They are also checking for tenderness or signs of an infection.

Lastly, they are going to check your rectum. This is so important. I know, it can be uncomfortable. But it is important to check for cancer. So the doctor will put a gloved finger into your rectum. They are checking the tissue between your anus and your vagina. Sometimes, a doctor will have one finger in your vagina and one in your rectum. It helps to check the tissue between very thoroughly. You might feel like you have to poop. But you won't. Don't worry.

For the basic pelvic exam, your doctor may also check the outside of your rectum. It's important. Don't panic. Really, it is the only way to check for cancer.

Your entire exam should just take a few minutes. They will probably spend more time talking to you, than examing you. Your doctor should talk you through the entire thing. Start to end. Telling you what they will be doing. What they feel. And what they find. It should not be painful or sexual. Just try and stay relaxed.

How often do you need a pelvic exam? That depends. If you have normal health, every 2 years usually. If you have had one, and then become sexually active, you should return to your doctor before the 2 years. And then you will probably be reset to every 2 years, at that point.

You might also talk to your doctor, at this time, about birth control. If you are looking at have any type of IUD placed. This is the time. Speak up.

If you have some issues, it can be more frequent. Things like abnormal PAP Smear results, family history of certain types of cancer, history of STDs, or a sexual partner with STDs, a history of sexual health problems, or reoccurring yeast infections, or pain in the general area...generally have to be tested more frequently.

When do you begin them? Most people say 21. I was told 16. But I did have some family history of things. But definitely when you become sexually active. So if you're having sex before 21...don't wait until you're 21. These exams become a routine way, to care for your body. The same way we have annual physicals. Don't be afraid.

Also, don't be afraid that your doctor is looking "down there." They do it all day long. They're really not going to remember much...about your vagina. Don't worry, they won't be chatting with all the nursing staff when you leave. I worked L&D for an extended period. And I don't really remember much about all those vaginas. Don't flip out, if you don't think you are normal there. You probably are.

If you want to ask me some more questions, if I didn't answer something, or you want to chat...send me a message at LilMorningGloryChats (at) gmail (dot) com.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Rainy Days Are My Fav!

Do you know me? Really well. Or at least you think you know me. How about 36 things that you didn't know...

 1. I don't swim. I don't know how. I'm pretty sure out of 9 kids...I'm the only one that doesn't know how to swim. I never wanted to know. Until about 4 months ago. When I was in aquatic therapy. But at this it even possible to learn?

 2. I could eat whole pineapples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No lie! I absolutely adore fresh pineapple. And when they go on sale for 99 cents, I'm buying $30 worth. And not cooking for a week!

 3. I HATE feet. With a passion. Please never show me yours. I might just die. It doesn't matter if you take really good care of your feet or not. I'm just not into them. Mine? I take really good care of my feet. My nails are always neatly clipped and painted red. I moisturize my feet all the time. But I still don't want to be looking at them.

 4. Based off of #3, this shouldn't be a shock. I NEVER wear sandals. Ever! I'm just not into them. And I also HATE when my feet get dirty.

 5. So until I was about 28, I wanted 12 kids. I didn't care about how many boys or girls. Just 12 kids.

 6. Based off of #5 you'd think I was in a panic to have kids. Honestly, I still want 2-4 kiddos. But I'm also realistic. That I probably won't have any. And you know what, that's OK too. I realize with my age, and recent health issues, it's a looong shot. Because honestly, there's not even a man in the picture.

 7. I worked at Hooters. Yup. Those stupid shorts, were a part of my daily. While I was going to college. And you know what, it wasn't the worst job I had. I actually kinda enjoyed it. It was AMAZING money! Well, I was a hostess for a while. That wasn't good money. But being a server...that was good tips. Do you want to know something? I wasn't a really good server. But I made really good money. To any servers out there, just be nice. It's OK if you can't carry a crap load of food at once.

 8. Hold on to your horses. I also worked at a real working Ranch. Also in college. And that was hands down, my favorite job! I was the bookkeeper. My friend also owns the Ranch. But it was so much fun. And it made me yearn for a different kind of lifestyle.

 9. I want to own a little Ranch one day. Like 20 acres. With a big 'ol garden, some animals, and a wrap around porch. I really dream of this. And I know one day, it will be a reality.

10. During my professional training, I worked on the MedVac Team. And I'm deathly afraid of heights. Deathly! Those little planes, in storms, were crazy! But it was one of the best parts of my training. And I honestly miss it so much!

11. I didn't have a driver's license, for about 2 years. Well, it was still current. But I don't know what happened to the physical ID. Don't worry. I finally got one last year. When it was going to expire. Now it stays in the car at all times!

12. My favorite veggie is Brussels sprouts. As a kid, I didn't even want to look at them. But that was probably because I only saw them at places like Golden Corral. These days, I could eat them every single day!

13. I thoroughly regret, not taking up on of my parents' friends' offers. You know. To set me up with one of their sons. Honestly, all of my parents' friends...have nothing but sons. All of them! And since I was really small, each of them tried setting me up. Why was I so shy?

14. I've NEVER been bowling. Well, that's not 100% true. A couple of years ago, my cousin and his wife came home for a visit. And we all met up at the bowling alley. I went. But didn't actually bowl. Because I was embarrassed. Side note, my parents were in a bowling league for years!

15. I used to work in Sin City. At least once a month, one of the bands I played in, would travel to the desert. I loved it! Mostly because I got to dress up. And I loved to go dancing. Who hasn't danced on a table or two? Girl needed a little stress relief from work and school. Besides, all those work trips, got me through college. Debt free!

16. If I could live in any other would be North Carolina. Or Georgia. Been to both for work. And I really liked both places.

17. I won't use any other restroom, besides the one at my home. No lie! I have this fear of germs. When I go to a hotel, I'm ridiculous too! And if anyone uses my restroom, I have to clean it, before I'll use it. I don't know if I could ever be married. Because this would be my deal breaker. Separate bathrooms perhaps?

18. I'm embarrassed about a lot things in life. Like I'm not as open as most people, to talk about certain subjects. Which is kinda hilarious. Because hello? Blog! My family just talks about everything. And anything. Without batting an eyelash.

19. Along the lines of #19, there is one thing that I'm absolutely not embarrassed about. Going to the gynecologist. I think more women, need to be OK with it. I go, and they tell you to strip down to nothing but that paper robe. OK. No problem. Please, just make sure nothing it wrong with me. Do whatever exam is necessary. Just make sure everything is OK.

20. Nothing on this earth, makes me get so Snail Mail. When I get something fun in the mail, it makes my entire week! And it can be something as small as a one line note.

21. I can't stand body hair. I think this goes back to when I was a cheerleader. And later when I was a performer. It can be 4 degrees outside, with 10 feet of snow, and I'll still be shaving. Because I can't stand to feel hair!

22. My favorite part of eating pizza, is the bubbles! I know. How weird. But it is my favorite part. So if we're out together...please leave those pieces for me.

23. I don't wear shorts. EVER! Another one of those flashbacks from cheerleading. We lived in shorts. And short skirts. Every. Single. Day! Do you know my neighbor still calls me red shorts? Because of this! These days, my legs are so white! And I just don't wear shorts. I did wear them to Aquatic Therapy. Only because it was the dead of winter. And I didn't have a bathing suit.

24. I used to make YouTube videos. Like back when YouTube first came out. About a year into having a very successful channel, my friend started making some of the videos with me. That was another way, that I paid for college...and a house. In 2012...we closed our channel. Because we were now living 100s of miles away from each other. And I was taking care of my Dad...who was super sick. I've made and posted a couple of videos. Have a ton, stored on my computer...that I've never uploaded. But I kind of want to start doing it more.

25. I CAN'T swallow pills. It's the worst thing ever. Especially with all the health things I've had going on...over the last year. So I have to crush them up. Mix them with something. It's horrible!

26. This one might shock some of you. But I NEVER wanted to go to college. But in my house, that wasn't an option. No matter how much I told my Dad. I WAS GOING TO COLLEGE. He even walked one of my applications into our local college.

27. I prefer hanging my laundry on the the dryer. Probably because my parents hung my clothes until I was 18. And when I moved out on my own, I also had a clothesline. Your laundry just smells so good, when it's hung outside.

28. I dream about the chicken and rice, that our friend makes. It's so good! I honestly, want to live with her, for 6 months. And learn how to cook like her.

29. My favorite Zoo animal has always been the flamingo. I don't know why. But since I was little, I needed to see the flamingos. I have so many pictures, just hanging out by the flamingos.

30. Bath my favorite time of the week! As much as I like a scorching hot shower. My favorite thing, is a hot bath. Usually on Sunday nights. But...I haven't been able to do months. Because of my injury.

31. I was a college cheerleader for 1 semester. It was so much fun! Way more fun that high school. But also way more dangerous. And after 9 months, I decided that my health was more important.

32. I'd give anything for a Cattleman's steak...right this minute. They are so yummy! And it was one of my favorite things, about living down south.

33. I don't like milk. As in, you will NEVER find me drinking a glass of milk. But take me to a dairy, and let me have some fresh milk. Like right out of the cow...yum! Warm, thick, creamy. That's my kind of milk.

34. I don't like celebrating my birthday. I LOVE to celebrate anyone else. But me? I'm just not into it. I don't like to be the center of attention. It gives me anxiety.

35. I've been to some fun professional sports stuff. And really enjoyed it. I've gone to see quite a few NASCAR races, the Redskins play, the RedSox, and the Rangers. So much fun!

36. Camping is one of my favorite things! I LOVE to sleep under the stars. And eat a yummy breakfast, on a crisp morning. Go on hikes, fishing, and taking long naps under the trees. I'm not into camping with a motor home. More of the "Let's sleep under the stars," kind of experience.

Bonus #37: Rainy nights are my favorite! There is just something about a good rain. And at night. It's probably the only time, I sleep really well.

Well, that's it for today. Off to go enjoy the rainy day. I just want to take a shower, and put my onesie on. Can't a gal just enjoy life?


Friday, March 1, 2019

And So We Continue...

Back in the Fall, I finally got a PCP. Mostly because I was told I had to go to Physical Therapy. And before going, I had to see a PCP. I was able to go to one PT session. Then I called my Dad's old PCP. And they got me in. Right away. Because I had been on a 2 year waiting list...for a PCP. The day I went, my Mom also had to go. We have the same PCP.

I could barely move. And he insisted on giving me my annual physical. Somewhere between asking me to sit on the bench and testing my reflexes...he realized something was seriously wrong. My appointment changed real fast. And he was giving me referrals to 12 different specialists. Then he sent me to have X-rays.
Thank goodness, that was in the same building. By the time I got there, I could barely stand. Much less walk.

There were real tears, the second the guy told me I needed to completely undress. I could barely move. And he asked if he could get anyone for me. Or if I wanted a female tech. Nah! But can you help? 90 minutes later, and a shaking body, I was finally done!

A few weeks later, after I had made a million appointments, endured PT, and was referred to Aquatic Therapy...I finally noticed the referral to the gynecologist. Not going to lie here, it has been years since I went to the doctor. But when I lived alone...and away from here...I was up-to-date on everything! I saw every doctor you needed to, annually. I went for blood work. Never missed a physical. Then I moved. And my needs became the last thing I worried about.

The day I went to see the gynecologist, I was having a tough day. Could barely move. And wasn't 100% sure why I was there. I about had a panic attack, when I went to sit in the waiting room. It was pure chaos with about 40 kids running around screaming. My flares were at the worst point so far. I had seen my pain specialist the day before...and had gone to PT.

I was super grateful when the nurse called my name. Just 2 minutes after I sat down. A full 30 minutes before my appointment. I got the same old questions...and then the nurse handed me the paper gown and drape. Told me the doctor would be in, in about 15 minutes.

OK. I figured it was just a basic gyno exam. No problem. I tried to get undressed. But by the time the doctor walked in, I had only managed to get my pants off. So she came in and sat down. She handed me a blanket and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. Then she asked some questions. And was a little alarmed by my answers. She also pulled up my file and studied it for about 15 minutes.

After a few minutes, she told me that I didn't have to have this exam. Not at this time. She could see how much pain I was in. But she was also nervous about the amount of pain I was in. And because I hadn't yet received a diagnosis. It was all up to me.

Then things got real. She told me what she thought it could be. And some of her ideas, were similar to my pain specialists. I cried. Uncontrollably. Not because I was upset for myself. Or scared for myself. I was panicked for my Mom. If something happens to me, what happens to her? I'm her caregiver. She is diagnosed with cancer. Who would take care of her?

We sat and talked. And my doctor promised me, no matter what it took, she was going to help me. She made a plan. Called other doctors. And then took my hand. Looked me straight in the eyes. And promised that she wasn't going to give up on me. We decided to have a basic exam. And unlike so many other doctor's she HELPED ME. Helped me to undress. Talked me through an exam, that I'd had before. Helped me to dress. And even wheeled me to my car. Asking me, if I was sure I could drive.

She also prescribed medroxyprogestrone. 10mg for 14 days. Because it had been nearly 10 months since I'd had a period. I think. Like I'm 98% sure, I'd had one in December 2017. And this was October 2018. She told me, it was most likely due to whatever was going on with me. Pairwise. So we'd try the medroxyprogestrone. And see what happens.

I picked up my prescription. And went home. Pretty sure, I slept for 6 hours. My body was so exhausted! I got a call the next morning. To let me know, my basic bloodwork and the results to my exam were all normal. Also, my new doctor let me know, that she got me 2 more appointments. With a geneticist and a specialty oncologist. It was that afternoon, that I finally read the side effects to these pills. And I got nervous...

I put that bottle in a drawer...and didn't look at it again. For a looong while. My doctor called me right after Christmas to ask me, if everything had worked out. And I told her...I hadn't taken my prescription. When she asked why...I told her that epilepsy ran in my family. And one of the side effects was seizures.

So we ran a couple more tests. And everything came out OK. I promised to start the prescription. I took it in January. No real side effects. I was super tired. And about day 10 of 14 my stomach got really swollen. Like I could have passed for being 30 weeks pregnant. Also, my groin was super swollen. But nothing. No period. Nada!

In the last couple of weeks, I've endured 2 rounds of medroxyprogestrone. It was difficult. But I agreed to try it. My health battle has been something else. And if I can rule out, a few other possible diseases...why not?

As crazy as it sounds, I'm so grateful for this doctor. My PCP won't believe me. Although, he saw me during one of my worst flares. This new doctor has been a total miracle. Because honestly, I shouldn't have seen her in the first place.

Because when you go for your annual exam, your PCP should do your basic gynecological exam as well. Now I'm thinking because I'm about my PCP's age, and I've known him for so long, plus the amount of pain I was in that day...he sent me to a gynecologist. Because my Mom also had a physical...and he did the entire thing!

But it has been a blessing. My doctor calls me about every 2 weeks, to see how I'm doing. She makes sure, I'm not getting worse. My PCP, denied me a brace for stability and pain management. Even though I've fallen about 10 times. After I got hurt pretty bad in November, he refused to see me. And when my PT and AT had to be renewed in Decembers...he refused to renew it. But this doctor, is doing everything in her power, to make me OK.

So I'm just grateful for a good doctor. On my side. My pain specialist is also AMAZING! With these 2 ladies, I know eventually we will find out what is wrong with me. My pain has not gotten better...I've just learned how to deal with it better. I don't know how to really explain it. But it feels a lot like when a car alarm goes off. It is super annoying the first 10 minutes. Then you can hear it, but it doesn't change in volume. After an hour, it's still going, but it's not quite so crazy. Because my pain is always here. Sometimes it's out of control...other times, it's just here.

For now, we're going to try IVF level hormones. To see if we can get me to have a period. It's been over a year now. With nothing. Since I was a cheerleader, in my early teens, I've not had a very steady period. Honestly, about every 3 months was my norm. And nothing too heavy. Like once every 18 months, I'll have a heavy period. Other than that, it's light.

Even though I don't bleed every 28 days. I do feel PMS type symptoms. Like cravings, fatigue, and some mild bloating. But no actual period. Why is this so important? I have just over 200 diseases that they are currently testing for. We are trying to figure out, why suddenly I am in such a crazy amount of pain. 2 of my Aunts passed away from ovarian cancer. My Dad and my Uncle both had colon cancer. There are some other things that would be ruled out, if I can get a period. So I'm all in.

I start my next adventure, next week. I'd be lying if I told you, I wasn't nervous. Because I am! I don't know what to expect. And this is like a last ditch effort. Let's see how it goes.

In the past, I was diagnosed with PCOS. And when I was 20, underwent an emergency surgery. Kind of relating to the same issue. So I've been through my share of these things. I'm just praying, that we get some answers. Either way. Because I really can't continue living like this.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Time to BBQ

Hey Guys! How was your weekend? Ours was super busy! Like I'm exhausted. And just want to sleep all day. But the pile of laundry, just ain't going to do itself. So let's get moving on...

Well, I could tell you that I have great plans this week. That I have a menu. And grocery list. And that I'm going to cook all week. But honestly, as long as we get fed...that's all that matters!

We're probably going to eat leftovers. Our neighbors had a Birthday BBQ yesterday. And sent us home, with SO MUCH FOOD!!! I'm guessing, that it is going to be equally as delish. Cheeseburgers, salads, and dessert!

I think, in our house at least, Tuesday should be known as Tostada Tuesday. It's what we do. Move over tacos...tostadas have taken over our home!!!

So for the last couple of weeks, we've had a Growers' Market on Wednesdays. But this week, it was cancelled for another event. And my Momma and aunts have decided to head to Santa Fe for the day. Leaves me at home. With the pups. For like 12 hours. My decision. Salad! All day long. I'm thinking a Mexican Chicken Salad. For lunch. And maybe grilled veggies and chicken for din-din. :)

Gosh who the heck knows? I'd like to be positive and say, that I'm going to cook. But the reality is, it's heading towards the end of the week. And more than likely, I won't be cooking. Maybe we can just swing by Wendy's. Folks I'm being real here!

As silly as it sounds, I'm sorta looking forward to Friday. I think we'll grill. I have some shrimp in the freezer. And lots of veggies. Maybe some skewers. Or grilled shrimp tacos. It all sounds yummy!

2nd Annual Blea Summer Party!!! So I'm not cooking. I'm looking forward to some burgers poolside. Even if I don't swim. And there is a 50% chance of rain. We ain't letting that get us down!

It's Father's Day. And for all the reasons...we don't really do too much. My Momma nor I, have a daddy here on Earth. So we haven't really made any big plans. Plus it's post-Blea Summer Party. And there is another 50% chance of rain in the forecast. Maybe we'll head to a local concert. Or just stay home. And munch on a baked potato.

Things I'm looking forward to making this week? There are quite a few recipes I'd like to try out. But with this heat, I'm being honest, it ain't happening. Not really. For the last week, if it wasn't a breakfast's been fresh fruit for breakfast. It's how I roll.

Lunch has been salads...or sammies. Because really, who wants to be in the kitchen? I want to be enjoying the weather. Playing with the pups. Reading a book, doing work, or crocheting...under our pine trees. I want to watch the hummingbirds eat, play in the flower beds, and go on long walks.

So our food is starting to get real simple. Real fast. And our weekends sure are feeling up fast! Birthday parties, graduations, BBQs, Summer parties, and Growers' Markets...and ALL the Summer Fun!

I came across this glorious recipe. And thought, I NEED to make that. For the Blea Summer Party. Yum! There are also a ton of grilling ideas, that I want to try here. Southern Living never lets me down either. I found a ton of ideas. That I want to try out this Summer. Oh and this is going on the top of my list!

That's it for now. Honestly, if I manage cooking 4 days this week...we shall call that a success! Because I've been so exhausted. I not sure what is going on with me. I just know, I have orders to work on, laundry to get done, and at some point...I need to get us fed. Is anyone else in the same boat? Happy Monday!


Monday, May 28, 2018

Summer Holiday Eats

Today is not only's a Holiday! Happy Memorial Day! So while you are enjoying the day off of work, don't forget to remember the real reason behind this holiday.

The men and women, that gave their lives...for our freedoms! Stop and think about it. Thank a Service Man or Woman. Thank their families. Because they are amazing!

Back to regularly scheduled programming. You know, our meal plan. For the week. I'm feeling really positive this week. Because I've hit some awesome produce sales. Lots of pretty fruits and vegs, for grilling. This week, we'll be cooking quite a bit!

Today? Well, I know I just went on and on, about cooking. And it's the Holiday kick-off, to Summer. So we SHOULD be grilling today. But nah, we're going to go have lunch at the Casino. Which meal today. We'll return to cooking tomorrow!

We're grilling! Chicken to be exact. With asparagus, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Maybe a baked potato too! My mouth is already watering!

A big 'ol salad. With some grilled shrimp. I'm thinking of marinating them in lime juice. Maybe some garlic and herbs too. Avocado would be good too. I just need to buy some.

Hamburgers. More like cheeseburgers. With a cucumber salad. Perhaps, some grilled fruit. For dessert.

This is our off week, from the Growers' Markets. Which is nice. It gives us some time off, to do fun stuff too. We're going to the Old Town Fiestas. So we'll probably pick up, something from Little Anita's.

Rinse and repeat...Friday. We'll probably eat a burger or something at the Fiestas. It happens once a year. And you have to enjoy yourself!

Not going to lie, we'll probably grab a bite to eat, at the Fiestas. Again! Or in the surrounding area. My Mom really enjoys going to these Fiestas. And we just lucked out, that it's our off week. So my Mom wants to take full advantage.

So as you can see, 4 days this week...we are cheating. But not really. I plan on making pancakes one day, waffles another, and Huevos Mexicanos. My Mom really enjoys a good breakfast. We also have plenty of fruit, to snack on. As well as veggies. And I plan on making some yummy bites for lunch.

And as far as recipes that I want to try this week. Well, there are a few. I've been craving Mint Chocolate anything. So I found this little recipe. It sounds AMAZING! Gosh, this salad sounds so good! It will make the perfect light lunch.

I also happened to find a great deal on cucumbers. And I want to try something new. I came across this post, with so many ideas. Yum! Same goes for strawberries. I found this post with lots of ideas. And this post has a ton of ideas too! Lastly, I want to try this yummy drink. We have plenty of strawberries and limes. And it will make a fun addition to one of our meals.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

What Have I Been Up To?

Hey Guys! Thought I'd do a little..."What We've Been Up To." Life is always a bit crazy. But lately, we've been running at 100MPH. Here goes...

 1. In case you missed it, we announced our "Gifting" for the year...via our Love for Blue Foundation. So proud of this accomplishment! We gifted $3500 to ABQ Youth. And countless cards, notes, and little gifts via Love Caregivers.

 2. We are 100% into the Growers' Markets. Wow! We are so busy! You can see our schedule here. It's different from last year. This year, the arts and craft vendors, rotate weekends. And spots. So I make sure to put all the info, on our Facebook page.

This weekend we'll be at the ABQ Downtown Growers' Market. Spot #91. And the ABQ Rail Yards Market. Spot #22. That's our regular spot. All season long! Hope to see you there!

 3. We started a new Market this week. The Wednesday Lunch Market. It's at Civic Plaza, from 11AM-2PM. Yesterday was Opening Day. We had a lot of fun. It got hot. And for the last hour, all I wanted to do...was jump in the Splash Pad area. With all the kids.

I can't really tell you, when we'll be there. They let us know on Tuesday night...doesn't give much notice. But it's a fun Market! There are a few farmers, some food, lots of crafts, free yoga, some music, the Splash Pad is open, and you can come say Hi!

 4. I started a new blog. After a frustrating celebration. Were the manager, was so racist. And it took everything inside me, to not throw a Toddler Tantrum. No lie! So I started a blog.

If you've followed me, for a number of may remember another food/restaurant blog that I had. It was super successful. I stayed anonymous. And after 5 years, I sold it. That one also started, after a bad experience. When we went to eat at Garcia's. Words are powerful!

Truth be told, I've probably spent more time eating out, in my lifetime...than any other person. I'm not here to bash people/restaurants. But for real...have some respect for your customers!

 5. I'm still looking for a job. Something I was counting on, just didn't pan out. But I'm not letting that get me down. Just got to figure something out.

I need to be able to work a flexible schedule, be somewhat close to home, or only work events. Maybe part-time? I was talking to a friend that runs a Food Truck. And perhaps, during the larger events...I can go help her. Take the orders, keep things stocked, help her setup and tear down.

In case you don't know my situation, I can't go back to work full time. I have to take care of my Momma. Actually, I'm not supposed to leave her alone. But sometimes, I need to. So I need to have the flexibility to continue caring for her. And if she's having a bad week, I need to be able to stay home with her.

 6. I'm working...sorta...with a Farmer Friend. I still do a lot of work with the DOH. Lots to do with their Meal Planning/Cooking Classes. And they needed a farmer. To purchase food from, take kiddos to their farm, and have them come into the office to sell their products.

Well, I wasn't sure who to ask. When I got the request from my boss. But there is a farmer, that lives down the road. I met him at the Market. And he is super sweet. He knows I need some work. And we kinda got into this venture together.

I'm not selling at his Market stand, or working on his farm. But we're working on this venture together. What's that saying..."Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." Ya, we are helping each other out.

I know there are other people that I could have turned to. But let's be real. They totally screwed me over. So what's that other saying? "Sleep with one eye open." I'm not that mean. But really? Could you have done me wrong...any worse?

So there you go. I'll be doing weekly field trips to a farm, writing recipes, teaching some classes at the DOH...and let's be real. Probably helping a little at the Market Stand. On my off weeks. Because I need some dinero. Thank You friend! Oh, I'm also going to help my friend get his social media going, for his farm. He has accounts set up. But doesn't really use them. Time to start taking pics of plants, veggies, and anything farm related!

 7. I've been working really hard on our fundraisers. Our Annual Fun Run/Car Show is indefinitely postponed. Our first date was moved, after my Nanie's passing. I just felt, that we needed to pay some respect. Our next date, conflicts with something else. So I'm thinking September. I'll keep you updated.

The Tea Party though...I'm in full swing! August can't come soon enough. We've got a bunch of teapots. I've got a menu planned. Some crafts too. I'm just waiting to 100% secure the location. I'm thinking it will be too hot, to be outside. So I've been talking with a local Community Center.

So here are some of the details. The Tea Party is open to all ages! Grannys, Mommas, Little Girls. We're almost positive, that we are going to charge $25 for adults. And $10 for girls 10 and under. We are encouraging dressing up. I'm thinking of hosting a tea cup exchange. We we'll have our crafts for sale. As well as some affordable jewelry. And perhaps...some tea related items.

And for our Dinner and Dance...planning is also well on it's way. I was hoping to use a friend to cater. But it's looking more and more, like we're going to do the cooking. Because, Hello! This is a fundraiser. I can't pay $20 a plate. And only charge $25. It just doesn't make sense.

I've got the entertainment secure. And I'm still waiting to decide on which location. There are 2, that I have in mind. I've talked to them, drawn up a contract, and done some research. I just need to pull the trigger. Oh, and in case you missed it...this fundraiser will be in October.

To be honest, I'm a little overwhelmed. It's a TON of work. And I'm pretty much, the entire workforce. Ideally, we didn't want all the events so close together. But, it is what it is. Life happened, dates got moved, and here we are.

For 2019, and forward...I hope to have this schedule. The Fun Run Fundraiser/Car Show at the end of April. Our Tea Party at the beginning of August. And our Dinner and October. That's our goal!

 8. I'm still waiting on my Driver's License. I went and renewed mine, over a month ago. I still haven't gotten it, in the mail. And I still have 2 weeks, before I can file a complaint. Ugh! That is also the reason, I can't go apply for work. They won't take my paper version...

Because I tried. And my State Work ID, won't cut it. Argh! I just need a job. And eventually, my Driver's License. Does anyone know of any jobs? Watching kids, cooking, whatever...

 9. I'm trying to convince my Mom, to go on vacay. With her sisters. But she feels guilty. Why? Because I've been wanting to go to Disney. And she would be going. I'm trying so hard, to get her to go. I think it would be good for her. Besides, they invited her!

I think my Mom feels guilty, because I'm staying behind. We had already asked my sister to watch our dogs. We were thinking, of going on a Road Trip. And she said yes. But this is different. So I told my Mom, I'd stay home. She can go have some fun. Lay on the beach, spend time with her sisters, and spend a day at Disney.

Because honestly, I've been worried about my Mom. She is struggling. Health wise. And I'm not sure, what's going on. I don't know if it's physical. Or if she's feeling down. Or what is going on. But I just want her to go have some fun!

To be 100% truthful, I am a bit jelly. You know, I was so used to travelling. For work. Other than work, I didn't do too much on these trips. But it was fun, to just go somewhere. Get out of town. See something different.

Oh, and I've been dying to go to Disney. For probably 2 years. I'm a BIG kid at heart! Let's just get that straight. But what can a girl do? I was telling one of my friends. Who happens to be a musician in Disney World. What was his answer? Pack up the dogs, and fly to Orlando. While my Mom is going to be gone for 10 days...he wants me to go hangout in Florida. Hit Disney, go fishing in the Atlantic, and just chill. It sounds like a dream...

10. I started organizing a Crochet Class. I was doing them last year. And the interest dwindled away. But apparently, people want to do it again. I've had a TON of interest. Especially at the Growers' Markets.

This time, I'll be charging. I've realized, my time is worth something too. I was asked to do a class, at a local craft store. The owner is looking to get more traffic into her store. She won't be charging me, until January. It's a pretty good deal. And whatever I charge, will be 100% mine.

I'm thinking $20 a person. $30 if you want me to get your supplies. I think that should be good. Pays for my time. Still makes it affordable, for my potential students. Because I was noticing at JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby, the classes go on sale for $50! Also, I'm still thinking of doing something at the Library again. Maybe the same price. Maybe a little less. Not sure. But I will definitely keep everyone up-to-date.

11.  I started a new venture. I'll be incorporating it into our fundraisers. The hint...$5. I think most people will get it. I can't sell it at the Growers' Markets. Because I didn't make it. But you know, it will help!

12. Anyone want hang out? Do a little Recipe Exchange? Or Dinner Club sort of thing. No lie! Been putting a little something together. I used to do these all the time. When I lived alone. I miss it! So I'm started it all over again. :)

Let me know if you are interested. We can meet once a month. Each person can make a dish. And we can get together to eat. You know, we'd have a theme or something. Or maybe have one person in charge of the meal each month. It really is a fun thing. And is usually about 8-10 people. So it's not too crazy!

I think that's it. For the moment. I mean, we are doing a ton more. But I'm not sure on a lot of the details. And if I can share them yet. So we are going to leave it here. Happy Thursday!


Monday, May 14, 2018

Eating in HOT Weather

Hey Guys! I'm so exhausted today. We had a busy weekend. Crazy busy! I hosted a dinner for my Mom's birthday Friday. We were at the Growers' Markets, both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was my Mom's birthday. And we went to a BBQ for my cousin's birthday. Of course, we can't forget Mother's Day yesterday!

So I'm a little on the tired side today. Like, I want to stay in bed all day long! But life moves forward. And I have a list of things to complete. First up, what are we eating? I need to do some grocery shopping.

Easy peasy! We are having tacos and rice tonight. It's super easy. And fast! Oh, and we scored some free, grass fed beef on Saturday. Yay, for Farmer Friends!

Some sort of salad. With chicken. I made one last Thursday. It was so good. And perfect for this HOT weather!

We're going to watch my little cousin, play softball. So I'm thinking...ballpark hot dogs! Maybe some nachos. Because there is nothing like going to the Little League Fields...and eating from the concession stands. :)

I want to grill. It's fast. Easy. And there is minimum clean up. Also, Grey's has it's season finale. So I'm thinking shrimp kabobs. Maybe some rice pilaf. Definitely some grilled veggies!

We're off from the Markets this week. Maybe we'll go out. To Chili's. Yum! The 3 for $10 Commercials are killing me! The food looks so yummy!

My cousin and her wife work at one of our local hospitals. And they are having Family Night at our Zoo. So my Mom and I are joining them. :) Dinner was really good last year. We went. So I'm excited! Family, Zoo Fun, and yummy food!!!

Thinking about grilling again. Or a light pasta. Something light and fast. So we can dine alfresco.

As far as recipes I want to try. I'm looking more, for lighter items. I've been sick for weeks. And the heavy proteins, are just too much right now. It's also crazy HOT out here. And it's barely May...

I want to try this salad. It just sounds yummy. And I LOVE strawberries!!! And you can never go wrong with a Greek Salad. This Mediterranean Pasta sounds amazing too! Spinach and Tomato Pasta sounds like a winner too! Lastly, this pasta dish sounds like a perfect Sunday night dinner! Yum!

Like always, if you know of a yummy recipe I should try. Let me know. Please leave me a comment or link. I LOVE to try new things! Happy Monday!
