Thursday, March 21, 2019

Rainy Days Are My Fav!

Do you know me? Really well. Or at least you think you know me. How about 36 things that you didn't know...

 1. I don't swim. I don't know how. I'm pretty sure out of 9 kids...I'm the only one that doesn't know how to swim. I never wanted to know. Until about 4 months ago. When I was in aquatic therapy. But at this it even possible to learn?

 2. I could eat whole pineapples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No lie! I absolutely adore fresh pineapple. And when they go on sale for 99 cents, I'm buying $30 worth. And not cooking for a week!

 3. I HATE feet. With a passion. Please never show me yours. I might just die. It doesn't matter if you take really good care of your feet or not. I'm just not into them. Mine? I take really good care of my feet. My nails are always neatly clipped and painted red. I moisturize my feet all the time. But I still don't want to be looking at them.

 4. Based off of #3, this shouldn't be a shock. I NEVER wear sandals. Ever! I'm just not into them. And I also HATE when my feet get dirty.

 5. So until I was about 28, I wanted 12 kids. I didn't care about how many boys or girls. Just 12 kids.

 6. Based off of #5 you'd think I was in a panic to have kids. Honestly, I still want 2-4 kiddos. But I'm also realistic. That I probably won't have any. And you know what, that's OK too. I realize with my age, and recent health issues, it's a looong shot. Because honestly, there's not even a man in the picture.

 7. I worked at Hooters. Yup. Those stupid shorts, were a part of my daily. While I was going to college. And you know what, it wasn't the worst job I had. I actually kinda enjoyed it. It was AMAZING money! Well, I was a hostess for a while. That wasn't good money. But being a server...that was good tips. Do you want to know something? I wasn't a really good server. But I made really good money. To any servers out there, just be nice. It's OK if you can't carry a crap load of food at once.

 8. Hold on to your horses. I also worked at a real working Ranch. Also in college. And that was hands down, my favorite job! I was the bookkeeper. My friend also owns the Ranch. But it was so much fun. And it made me yearn for a different kind of lifestyle.

 9. I want to own a little Ranch one day. Like 20 acres. With a big 'ol garden, some animals, and a wrap around porch. I really dream of this. And I know one day, it will be a reality.

10. During my professional training, I worked on the MedVac Team. And I'm deathly afraid of heights. Deathly! Those little planes, in storms, were crazy! But it was one of the best parts of my training. And I honestly miss it so much!

11. I didn't have a driver's license, for about 2 years. Well, it was still current. But I don't know what happened to the physical ID. Don't worry. I finally got one last year. When it was going to expire. Now it stays in the car at all times!

12. My favorite veggie is Brussels sprouts. As a kid, I didn't even want to look at them. But that was probably because I only saw them at places like Golden Corral. These days, I could eat them every single day!

13. I thoroughly regret, not taking up on of my parents' friends' offers. You know. To set me up with one of their sons. Honestly, all of my parents' friends...have nothing but sons. All of them! And since I was really small, each of them tried setting me up. Why was I so shy?

14. I've NEVER been bowling. Well, that's not 100% true. A couple of years ago, my cousin and his wife came home for a visit. And we all met up at the bowling alley. I went. But didn't actually bowl. Because I was embarrassed. Side note, my parents were in a bowling league for years!

15. I used to work in Sin City. At least once a month, one of the bands I played in, would travel to the desert. I loved it! Mostly because I got to dress up. And I loved to go dancing. Who hasn't danced on a table or two? Girl needed a little stress relief from work and school. Besides, all those work trips, got me through college. Debt free!

16. If I could live in any other would be North Carolina. Or Georgia. Been to both for work. And I really liked both places.

17. I won't use any other restroom, besides the one at my home. No lie! I have this fear of germs. When I go to a hotel, I'm ridiculous too! And if anyone uses my restroom, I have to clean it, before I'll use it. I don't know if I could ever be married. Because this would be my deal breaker. Separate bathrooms perhaps?

18. I'm embarrassed about a lot things in life. Like I'm not as open as most people, to talk about certain subjects. Which is kinda hilarious. Because hello? Blog! My family just talks about everything. And anything. Without batting an eyelash.

19. Along the lines of #19, there is one thing that I'm absolutely not embarrassed about. Going to the gynecologist. I think more women, need to be OK with it. I go, and they tell you to strip down to nothing but that paper robe. OK. No problem. Please, just make sure nothing it wrong with me. Do whatever exam is necessary. Just make sure everything is OK.

20. Nothing on this earth, makes me get so Snail Mail. When I get something fun in the mail, it makes my entire week! And it can be something as small as a one line note.

21. I can't stand body hair. I think this goes back to when I was a cheerleader. And later when I was a performer. It can be 4 degrees outside, with 10 feet of snow, and I'll still be shaving. Because I can't stand to feel hair!

22. My favorite part of eating pizza, is the bubbles! I know. How weird. But it is my favorite part. So if we're out together...please leave those pieces for me.

23. I don't wear shorts. EVER! Another one of those flashbacks from cheerleading. We lived in shorts. And short skirts. Every. Single. Day! Do you know my neighbor still calls me red shorts? Because of this! These days, my legs are so white! And I just don't wear shorts. I did wear them to Aquatic Therapy. Only because it was the dead of winter. And I didn't have a bathing suit.

24. I used to make YouTube videos. Like back when YouTube first came out. About a year into having a very successful channel, my friend started making some of the videos with me. That was another way, that I paid for college...and a house. In 2012...we closed our channel. Because we were now living 100s of miles away from each other. And I was taking care of my Dad...who was super sick. I've made and posted a couple of videos. Have a ton, stored on my computer...that I've never uploaded. But I kind of want to start doing it more.

25. I CAN'T swallow pills. It's the worst thing ever. Especially with all the health things I've had going on...over the last year. So I have to crush them up. Mix them with something. It's horrible!

26. This one might shock some of you. But I NEVER wanted to go to college. But in my house, that wasn't an option. No matter how much I told my Dad. I WAS GOING TO COLLEGE. He even walked one of my applications into our local college.

27. I prefer hanging my laundry on the the dryer. Probably because my parents hung my clothes until I was 18. And when I moved out on my own, I also had a clothesline. Your laundry just smells so good, when it's hung outside.

28. I dream about the chicken and rice, that our friend makes. It's so good! I honestly, want to live with her, for 6 months. And learn how to cook like her.

29. My favorite Zoo animal has always been the flamingo. I don't know why. But since I was little, I needed to see the flamingos. I have so many pictures, just hanging out by the flamingos.

30. Bath my favorite time of the week! As much as I like a scorching hot shower. My favorite thing, is a hot bath. Usually on Sunday nights. But...I haven't been able to do months. Because of my injury.

31. I was a college cheerleader for 1 semester. It was so much fun! Way more fun that high school. But also way more dangerous. And after 9 months, I decided that my health was more important.

32. I'd give anything for a Cattleman's steak...right this minute. They are so yummy! And it was one of my favorite things, about living down south.

33. I don't like milk. As in, you will NEVER find me drinking a glass of milk. But take me to a dairy, and let me have some fresh milk. Like right out of the cow...yum! Warm, thick, creamy. That's my kind of milk.

34. I don't like celebrating my birthday. I LOVE to celebrate anyone else. But me? I'm just not into it. I don't like to be the center of attention. It gives me anxiety.

35. I've been to some fun professional sports stuff. And really enjoyed it. I've gone to see quite a few NASCAR races, the Redskins play, the RedSox, and the Rangers. So much fun!

36. Camping is one of my favorite things! I LOVE to sleep under the stars. And eat a yummy breakfast, on a crisp morning. Go on hikes, fishing, and taking long naps under the trees. I'm not into camping with a motor home. More of the "Let's sleep under the stars," kind of experience.

Bonus #37: Rainy nights are my favorite! There is just something about a good rain. And at night. It's probably the only time, I sleep really well.

Well, that's it for today. Off to go enjoy the rainy day. I just want to take a shower, and put my onesie on. Can't a gal just enjoy life?


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