Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Hey Guys! That time has come again. You know, where I like to share a little something with you. Today, that will be 35 random facts about myself. So let's get started!

 1. Almost Died. Between the time that I was 20 and 21, I nearly died 3 times. First I had a serious car accident...where I totalled out my car. On a highway, at 3AM. And almost went over a cliff. The second time, I had just started working at a local hospital. And there was a shootout in the ER. I was just there on a diet consult. And nearly got shot. Lastly, I had to have emergency surgery. I didn't even tell my parents about that...until nearly 12 years later.

 2. Clean PJs. I don't know if this is what most people do. But every night, I have to have a clean pair of PJs. I shower in the morning, so that is not the reason. And even when I'm sick, and stay in bed. I have to get up in and change my PJs. I never wear them 2 days in a row. EVER! When I pack for a trip, I often times...pack more PJs than clothes. Honestly, I wear sweats to bed most of the time. But the same idea train applies.

 3. Ranch Life. I'd give anything to live on a large Ranch. Like 200 acres. Rolling hills, animals, fields of crops. I worked on a Ranch for roughly 10 years. And I miss it so! This is totally a #LifeGoal. Buy a Ranch. Move out to the middle of nowhere. Nearest neighbor...miles and miles away!

 4. Design School. I know. I spent a hundred years in school. But do you know what? I wanted to be an interior designer. Since I was about 15 years old. I even applied and was accepted to design school, when I was 18 years old. Somewhere along the line, I got side tracked. But I'd love to attend. I really like designing spaces.

When I lived alone, my friends, their family, and other random people would hire me to do just that. Design their spaces. Cowboy J and I, worked on so many projects for him. On his Ranch. I can't even tell you, how many houses I worked on...from demo to finished project.

And then there were smaller jobs. Nurseries, remodels, and redecorating people's living rooms. I miss it! In all honesty, I still do a lot of design on the side. But these days, I draw up plans, do the shopping, and send the plans to my friends. :)

 5. Dark Chocolate. I LOVE it! I prefer that bitter flavor, over the sweet stuff. Any day. All day! I try to treat myself, with a small piece daily. Just something to look forward to, before bed.

 6. Canning. I use it as therapy. I LOVE to can. Make jelly, jam, sauces, veggies, anything really! And I find it so therapeutic. It's so calming to sit there, and cook. Then line up all your jars. To have all the stations in order. And in the end, have a beautiful product!

 7. YouTuber. I think it was 2006. But I'm not positive. I was doing a search, for some project I was working on. And I came across YouTube. I can still, clearly remember that day. I found my first YouTube video. And I was hooked!

I probably watched, for 2 hours. But over a short time, I found myself in the beauty community. Meeting YouTubers from my state...and all over! One day, one of them tagged me in their video. I can't remember what the tag was. Just something fun. So I made a video. Then I told my friend Amanda. Who is a makeup artist/hair stylist.

We started making videos. Together. On my channel. 5 days a week. We'd actually make 2 or 3 weeks worth of content one day. Then upload it, on a schedule. There was Makeup Monday...were she did my makeup. Tuesday Tresses...when she'd do something with my hair. I'd do some sort of chatting video on Wednesdays. Thursdays were her reviews of products. Friday was up in the air to do anything we felt like.

And then, we started vlogging. #LifeChanging We travelled a lot at the time. I was a profession musician...she was my Glam Squad. We traveled at least once a month...sometimes weekly. And we'd take you on our adventures.

It was really good money. 4 figures weekly. Amazing experience, to work with so many companies. Oh, and the fun we had! When I moved home, to take care of my Dad...we gave it up. And you know what, I miss it! I've started to slowly get back into it. But it is different now. The YouTube community has changed so much! Lots of our good friends, no longer make content. And I don't have Amanda near, so we can make videos together...

 8. Spain. I'd give anything to live in Spain. Not just visit there. But live there. It is beautiful! How do I know? My friend goes to work there, a few months a year. And he is always sending me amazing pictures and videos. #LifeGoal

 9. Author. It's one of those things, that I've ALWAYS thought about! Truth of the matter is, I used to do some writing. I wrote for a newspaper. In a weekly type of thing. When I was traveling a lot, a big city newspaper also asked me to write a quarterly kind of article. About their amazing city.

And then, I got into writing FanFic. Which was a lot of fun. That was more, of something just for me. But the way the site I was on worked, was after a certain amount of'd get paid. For people reading your work. That was a fun side job.

It wasn't until my Dad's passing, that I really wanted to write a book. It's different than writing a blog. I wanted to write about our story. Or maybe a motivational book for caregivers. And because I LOVE to cook...a cookbook would be a fun thing. I've helped write a my nutrition days. But I'd like to write one, all about my favorite recipes. :)

10. ID. As in the channel. I'm obsessed! So when my SIL started to work on one of their shows...I about died! I seriously could watch it all day long! And never get bored. My Mom used to think I was nuts. Now, she is slowly getting sucked in.

I don't know what it is. I just like watching those kinds of shows. I imagine all the ways, someone could kill me. Is that weird? It just keeps me on my toes.

One of the last things I do at night, is watch an episode of something on ID. It's not really a new thing for me. Because I've been obsessed with shows like Dateline forever!

11. Tapas. I was introduced to really good tapas in my early 20s. I've never really looked back. When I lived alone, I'd host Tapas Parties at my home. There was also this restaurant that I used to LOVE to go to. Best Tapas outside of Spain! But since living back in Albuquerque, I'm in search. For a great Tapas place. From time to time, I make Tapas at home. But I'd love to go eat them somewhere. If you know of a good place, please let me know. :)

12. Alcohol. I know this must be crazy. But I've never drank alcohol. Unless you count the wine at Church. Which only happened when I made my First Holy Communion and my Confirmation. Or if they happen to dip the bread, into the wine. It has zero appeal to me. None what so ever! But I do LOVE, to smell the brew rooms at the various Breweries. :)

13. Noodles. This may sound nuts. But I LOVE to eat Ramen Noodles. Maybe it's because, during high school, it was my go-to lunch. I'd buy a Cup of Noodles, and a buttered bread. Almost every single day. Yum! It just tasted so much better then.

When I was in college...I lived off of Ramen. I'd eat the package stuff most of the time. The Cup of Noodles was like a treat. No lie! But I think everyone that has gone to college...gets on the Ramen Train.

These days, I just like the noodles. I buy the packages often. But I always make some sort of stir fry. Then I just cook up the noodles. I never use that packet of "seasoning." Just plain noodles. There is something about those noodles!

14. Dating. Ugh! Is it just me? I HATE dating. Just the thought of it, makes me uncomfortable. I think it could be my personality. But I don't enjoy it. It just feels so awkward. All. The. TIME!

15. Dirty Dancing. You know the soundtrack? I blast it, every single time I clean. I've done it, since I was 18. I can't even tell you, how many CDs, I've gone through. I love it! The music just puts me in a good mood.

16. Mariachi. When I workout, I ALWAYS listen to mariachi music. ALWAYS! I think it's because my vocal coach, used to make me run...while doing vocal lessons. Ask Sancho what they put us through. But it was all, to strengthen our voices. :)

17. Eyeliner. I can't stand it! On myself. I HATE the feeling, when it is applied. I don't ever, put it on myself. When my makeup is being done by someone else, you might as well cut my eye out. That feeling! And I'm not a fan, of the way it looks on me either.

18. Pivotal People. Have you ever heard of pivotal people? 6 out of my 10...are now Angels. How in the world, did that happen? That actually, makes me really sad.

19. Hanging Out. On most days, I hangout with people whose average age is 75...or 4. No lie! And honestly, I enjoy it. A LOT! The littles, show me how to enjoy life. To see the glass, as half full. The more mature peeps...keep it real. Show me, what is important in life. Teach me valuable lessons.

20. Hooters and Hot Wings. Did you know, I worked at Hooters? For about 2 1/2 years. It was not something that I would broadcast. I wasn't happy about the place...but it was something I had to do. I lived in a small college town. And needed a job.

I started out as a hostess. And it was decent money. Not too bad, to work. About 3 months in, one night we were short handed. And I started serving. I think I had to be the world's worst server. EVER! I HATED the uniform. But could easily bring home a 4 figure paycheck...weekly! Thank You Hooters...for helping me pay for school!

During that time, I never ate hot wings. They still aren't my favorite thing to eat. So when people would ask me questions about wings and beer...I was pretty useless. I had no idea...

21. Blogging. In some capacity, I've had a blog for over 20 years. I started blogging when I was still in school. As my life has changed, so have my reasons for blogging. And the content I blog about. When a certain chapter of life, has closed, I leave that blog. And start fresh. I guess if you tried to dig real might find them. wouldn't. After I've closed a chapter in my life...I leave my blog up for a few months. Then I put it to private. I like to go back and read them, from time to time. But I don't like to leave them live.

Sort of like, my old YouTube channel. I just feel like that needs to be closed. I need a fresh start. But don't worry. LMG is where my life is. Right now. And for a long time, in the future. And if I ever decide to move, I'll let you know!

22. Nature. I just love being out and about in nature. I attribute a lot of that, to my Grandparents. They moved to the mountains when I was about 4 years old. And I'd spend so much time with them! School breaks, when my parents travelled, and months in the Summer.

Nothing makes me happier, than fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, and just exploring nature. I have so many great memories, of being in the mountains. I worked at a local Music Camp, for years. That was so much fun!

To me, there is nothing like sleeping under the stars. Literally in a sleeping bag, under the stars. Or waking up, and cooking breakfast on an open campfire. None of this camper business. I want to really rough it!

23. Belle. When I was in my early 20s, I found myself auditioning for Belle. My friends were working at Walt Disney World. They were musicians. I had gone to visit, and help teach at a music conference. They set me up, on an audition.

Really, it went something like this. I LOVE Beauty and the Beast. So much so, when it first came out...I would drag my parents to Pizza Hut weekly. To collect the puzzles and toys they gave out. With the kids' meals. I even had a Beauty and the Beast bedroom.

So while teaching, a friend recorded me singing. I was just goofing around. When we were walking to lunch, we saw the auditions. And he, with about 20 other friends, dared me to audition. I was so glad, when I saw that they were closed auditions. As in, you had to pre-qualify to be in this group.

My friends, never would take that as an answer. So they waited. While I went to lunch. About 20 minutes later, they show up. With 2 Disney people. And ask me to sing. You see, they had showed them that little video. Back then, it wasn't on a phone. It was literally some sort of video camera.

Long story short, right there, in the middle of the cafeteria like place we were in...I auditioned. They called me back, at the end of the day...for another audition. And I got one of the Belle parts. To sing in WDW. What the heck? I had to break it to them, that I was in college. Across the country. And couldn't take the job. I still sort of regret that...

24. Avocados. I think I could live off of them. No lie! I've been eating avocado toast, long before it was a thing. Again, we can blame it on my Grandparents. My Tatie LOVED French bread. And avocados. I remember when he'd toast me some French Bread, on the wood stove. Then we'd share an avocado. I'd spread mine on the toast. This was all, before breakfast. Yum! That stuff was so good.

But I've been known, to eat plain avocados. Cut those babies in half, and let me dig in. Guac is always a good option. Anything really. When I started to recipe test for work, I'd figure out, all sorts of ways to add in avocado.

They really, just are delicious. For about 6 years, I tried to find a way to buy an avocado tree. Because if you grow one from a seed, it won't produce avocados. You need to purchase one. From California. Apparently. Because every nursery I went to, told me the same thing. If you're in California...can we make a deal? I still want a tree!

25. Blood Oranges. I don't even remember the first time I had blood oranges. But I do know something. I LOVE them! I count down, every year, for January. To get my blood oranges. They were once, really hard to come by. As in, only in the larger cities, by order, or some sort of miracle.

One of my really good friends knew this. And those suckers were expensive. So he'd ship me a case, every January. A late Christmas present of sorts. They were amazing! I never shared. 'Cause seriously, they were so good.

Have you ever tried them? From the outside, they are similar to regular oranges. But when you cut them, the flesh is dark in color. Almost a crimson color. They taste like raspberries are smashed into the orange. Super flavorful. Orange and raspberry. I hear they make good jam, but I just like to eat them plain.

26. Meatloaf. We'll blame my Auntie for this one. I'm always searching for the perfect meatloaf. ALWAYS! She made this amazing meatloaf. Even as a small child, I knew it. The BEST I've ever eaten!

I can remember coming home from kindergarten (she used to take care of me,) and being so excited to find a meatloaf sandwich waiting for me. Cold meatloaf in the morning. Or hot meatloaf for dinner. It was so good! And the tomato sauce on top, so perfect.

I've tried many times, to recreate that goodness. I've eaten meatloaf at many different places. But none compares! None! That doesn't stop me, I still order it, every opportunity that I get. I just wish, that I had been old enough, to learn that recipe. You know, when I was 4 years old...elbow deep in hamburger meat. Helping her make dinner.

27. Cleaning Supplies. I could easily spend an entire day, picking out cleaning supplies. I LOVE to smell it all! When I go to Target, I especially, like to check out the cleaning supplies. I will go through every product. Pick the perfect scents. Look for fun supplies. I may have also, talked the Cleaning Crew at the hospital...into giving me a gallon of the cleaner they use. I LOVE the way it smells!

It is just one of those things. I like the house to smell good. And I feel like, it starts with cleaning supplies. I also like to "Update my Cleaning Kit," about twice a year. I have some buckets from the Dollar Tree. And I have them organized by room. I have one for the bathrooms, one for the kitchen, one for the hard spaces, one  for the soft spaces, and one for my bedroom. They hold all the supplies I would need to clean that room.

I like to buy fun bottles at the Dollar Tree, to put cleaning supplies in. Like the different cleaners. I also buy, fun colored clothes, to clean with. It's all really, to keep chores a little fun.

28. Lighting. This might have something to do with the Design Bug. But I HATE overhead lighting. I feels so harsh! I like lamps, candles, softer light. Which is pretty funny. Since I'm a crafter. And need good lighting. You know, to work on projects. But I HATE that harsh lighting. Give me 5 lamps...instead of one big light.

29. Plant Lady. For people who know me personally, they know this. I LOVE plants. When I lived alone, I had a ton!!! Not only did I have an amazing yard. Full of grass, trees, plants, flowers, and a garden. But my home was also full of plants. At the beginning of every month, I'd buy me a new plant.

When I moved, to take care of my Dad, my plants came too. Little by little, my Mom has killed them. I think I only have 5 plants left. That makes me so sad! My Dad used to be the green thumb in our family.

My Mom has a pretty yard, but inside plants are not her forte. Now that the weather is warming up, I'm wanting to go buy some pretty house plants. But now, I have to worry about my Mom the Plant Killer. And what is safe for my pups?

30. Horses. I have this love/hate relationship with horses. I've always been intrigued by them. I can remember being about 5 years old. And going to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sauceda. Mr. Sauceda would take me, to visit his horses. All his grandsons, rode horses. They were rough, tough, and always seemed to be covered in dirt.

I was usually in a ruffled dress of some sort. With matching ruffle socks. And little white dress shoes. I'd climb and he'd hold the horse. I'd get to pet them, sometimes brush them, and always got to feed them something. I felt safe. Probably because this expert horseman, was by my side.

Fast forward to my 18 year old self. Attending an agriculture school. 50% of my closest friends, are cowboys. Like real life ones. Bull riders to be exact. And they wanted me to ride.

For about 10 years...there'd be the same song and dance. "Lola let's go riding." Me staring down this beautiful animal. "Naw. Next time." I was scared to death! They'd jump up, and go galloping down the Ranch.

There was even that time, they thought I could sing on horse back. And they tied a horse to one of those pole things. Not sure what it's called. So the horse could walk in a circle. They stuck me up there. And told me to sing. They wanted me to sing, horse back, across an arena. I about died! Right there. After a failure of a month...we decided I couldn't do it. Rather, I probably threw myself on the ground, crying that I'd die. You know, if I had to ride a horse! But darn, they are beautiful animals!

31. Library. I've always dreamt of a library. The fact that my Dad bought me every single book, I ever wanted...didn't help. I'm not lying! In elementary, all the teachers fought to have me as their student. Because when the book orders came out. Which was monthly. I'd buy every book. Yearly, in the 80s, my Dad probably spent $2000+ on books. I was in every book club, monthly book order, and book by mail program imaginable. And when I got extra money, I'd spend it on books! Seriously, we'd go to the I could buy a book!

So I ALWAYS dreamt of a library. When Beauty in Beast came out, I begged for a library. Just like Belle's. My Dad built me a reading nook in my room. And my little girl self, would just dream! Of shelves and shelves of books, comfy chairs to read in, and a cozy fireplace!

When I was 18, I bought a house, and moved 3 hours away. My neighbor, had  a real life library. I could see it, when I went for walks. And while I had an office, I wanted a library. I still do. I have a HUGE love of reading. And learning. I still like to sit in Barnes and Noble for hours and hours. I have tablets. But find it so comforting, to sit and read a real book. #LifeGoal

32. The South. I've ALWAYS thought the South was magical. I've always wanted to live there. The first time I visited the South, I was about 11 years old. On a school trip. I'd been obsessed for years. Thanks to my love of reading. And history. And all the old movies I'd watch.

When I was in college, I got to travel so much. And found myself drawn to Georgia. And the Carolinas. Oh, those were some of my favorite trips. The history. The architecture. The food.

I would love to spend some real time there. Like 6 months. Or more! To really learn about Southern Culture. It just seems so magical to me. :)

33. Oh Love! So I'm a bit obsessed with buying underwear, socks, and earrings. Is that funny? There is nothing, like buying underwear. New underwear is a treat. Call me anytime VS is having a sale. And socks, boy oh boy...I love socks! I literally have 2 dresser draws full. And I'm constantly looking for more fun socks. Earrings, they are my soft spot. I don't need them. But I want them all! The dangly ones. The studs. The fun ones. The classic ones. The just because I saw them...ones. I LOVE earrings!

34. By Color. I've talked before, about how I sort my clothes by color. But I also do that with candy. When I eat candy, I sort it first. My Mom HATES when I eat M&Ms. I sit, and sort. Make sure each little bundle, has one of every color. Then I eat the misfits first. Crazy, huh? But I've ALWAYS done this! With Skittles, M&Ms, Starburst...whatever candy.

35. Protein. I have incredibly low iron. I take a daily supplement, have a weekly injection, and make sure to eat protein at every meal. But I still find, at least twice a day, I get the shakes. It's something that I've been dealing with, for at least 15 years.

So I'm always prepared. Because I've had situations, when I've past out. Cold. So I ALWAYS have beef jerky or peanut butter in my purse. When I feel a little shaky, I pull it out. I also have a stash in my car.

It's just become a way of life. Sort of like people with diabetes. There is ALWAYS a nice little stash in my purse. It's what I do. And who I am. #LowIronForLife

 * And a bonus...just because!
Pay Someone. I'd pay someone to flip through magazines, books, or the newspaper. So I could sleep. That noise, is so relaxing to me. I used to spend a lot of time at the library. Studying and doing work. I'd fight to stay awake, when someone was doing this. Now that I can't sleep, I'd do anything to find someone to just sit there...and flip through some papers.

That's it folks! Did you learn anything new? I'm off to go enjoy my day. Back to regular content tomorrow. For today, I have plans of cake, hanging out with my Momma, and maybe some shopping. Happy Wednesday!


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