Monday, August 14, 2017

The American Rome

A few weeks ago, my sister wanted to meet for dinner. My Mom and I were thinking we'd take her out, for her birthday. My sister, in all her grand-ness, wanted to take us out. It's one of those fights, that I know I'll never win. My sister ALWAYS manages to steal the bill. Even when I buy the movie tickets, I find a $20 in my purse, when I get home.

We don't see my sister much. My Littlest Big Sista works in the movie industry. And is gone, months at a time. So getting together, doesn't happen much. It's time that we cherish when we have it. So I wrapped up my sister's birthday present. And we headed to Chili's.

As usual, my sister comes with a plan. She, like me, would much rather spend time together. Than you know, shower each other with gifts. But Sista Jae still showed up, with a ton of stuff for us. If you follow me on Instagram, you got a little sneak at our evening. Flowers, cards, and giftcards...for both my Mom and I. Late birthday present for me. Mother's Day and my Momma's birthday. We ate through a table of food. And somehow, crammed in some Baskin Robbins.

But it was more than that. It was the catching up. The conversations. The laughter. Those are the moments I cherish. Sitting there, just talking...reminds me of my Dad. He ALWAYS told me, Jae was the one...that I should put the effort into. You see, being the youngest of 9...hasn't left me with close sibling relationships. I grew up alone. With many years between my sibs and I. It's been a difficult road. But my Dad NEVER wanted me to give up on my sister.

The day before, my sister had called me. Wanted to double check our plans. Make sure we were going to the same place. Had the right time. After we chatted for a bit, I gave the phone to my Momma. I went to the living room, to work on some projects. An hour later, my pup wanted a snack. And when we walked into the Momma was laying on the couch. Relaxed and chatting away with my sister. She reminded me, of a teenager. Laughing away. Laying down...legs crossed. It made my heart sing! I think they were on the phone for 3 hours. No lie!

So on that Friday evening, when my sister was telling us she'd be gone for heart sank. Months without her. Because her partner landed a job in Washington DC. And as casual as one would say Hello...she invited us to DC!

WHAT?!?!?! Yes, they're getting an apartment. "Ma, what do you think? You guys can come out for a week or two. Sister we can go see a Redskins' game. We can cook, explore, do it all!" No need to tell me twice. I was sold! And so was my Momma!

You see, I've ALWAYS LOVED history. And I've dreamt of going to DC. For as much traveling as I've done, it's the one place I really haven't visited. I say this...knowing I've gone to see a Redskins' game. In 2010, I flew across the country. Planned and hosted a Surprise Baby Shower...for my Bestie. And when baby girl's Nino got home from work...after the shower, he surprised me. With tickets to the game. We flew in, saw the game, and flew out. Friends in high places...

It was AMAZING! Flying private jet. Seeing my favorite NFL team. Sitting in one of THOSE boxes! Seeing that beautiful skyline at night. I told him, in the wee hours of that day I'd be back. And I meant it! Not necessarily the NFL game. But this beautiful city! Sorta like the Queen City. How many times have I been? But I'm dying to just explore the city.

Fast forward 6 1/2 years. And my friends got the opportunity to take their 5 kiddos. D had some sort of conference. And it landed in the middle of Spring Break 2017. The entire week they were gone, their kiddos sent me text messages, emails, and Skyped their trip. Showing me all the sites. Oh, I wanted to jump through my phone. It looked so beautiful.

I knew exactly what was going through my Momma's head. The instant my sister planted that seed! She had the same look, that I had...running through my brain. Essentially, we just need to get airline tickets. Have some spending money. You know. The basics.

But here's the thing. We were invited to go to Las Vegas. In fact, our family is leaving in days. Bachelorette weekend of sorts. My Mom is not well enough for travel. You know...she can't be walking up and down the strip. Most days, she sleeps well past 9AM. And the whole, 8+ people sharing a room. Just ain't happening. Being that my Mom needs rest, hanging out with a bunch of people, ready to party and have fun, probably isn't the best. And it's an expense, to a city that we're not into. So we said no...

I mean, I've been to Sin City, more times than I can count. Here's the thing, it was for work. I'm not into the drinking, partying, craziness...that's Vegas. Neither is my Mom. Every trip I've ever made there, has been for work. or my Bestie's wedding. And my highlights revolve around an Animal style burger...and mini Wedding cake. Maybe some shopping. And hanging out, at my bosses' homes.

So the expense of a trip, that we're not into...was not something I was interested in. I mean, I could call said boss, and he'd 99.9% hook me up with some amazing suite. His mom and mine...would enjoy hanging out together. But it's really not the kind of trip, that gets my Mom and I excited. Especially since things are real tight around here. You know, having a chronic illness, isn't cheap. In fact, I need to come up with $1500 in the next few weeks. Darn medical bills! But it needs to happen, so my Momma can get the care she needs.

So how do I justify a trip across the country? I really don't. My sister is dying for us to go. We even talked about spending Thanksgiving out there. But my Momma is sick. And she doesn't travel much. Honestly. Yes, she went to California last summer. But she didn't really relax. Or get to do what she wanted. So a real vacation is in order.

Not to mention, she's sick. I don't know if we'll have her next year. Or in 6 months. Or if she'll live another 20 years. But I don't want to regret this. There is such potential, to make memories, on this trip. But after taking a look at things, I'm taking myself out of this equation. You know, hopefully my sister and I, have years to make memories. And hopefully, I have 20+ years, to get myself to DC. Right at this moment, my entire goal, is to get my Momma there.

Funny thing is, the morning after our dinner...I was asked to help a friend out. Who owns a business. And will have a booth, at the State Fair. She needs help, running things. Immediately, I said yes! Didn't think twice. Figured I could clear my schedule. Do whatever is necessary. And I hope things work out. I plan to use the money, to get my Mom a ticket. And send her, with some spending money.

I've been checking tickets, for a few weeks now. Roughly $275-350. Looking closer to the holidays, it triples! But it's not out of reach. You know, if you work hard. And pray harder. Who knows what can happen.

No matter if she decides to go for Thanksgiving, before, or after...I'm out. Because we also have these 2 little pups. And that would cost an arm and a board them. They probably wouldn't even take our crazy cocker spaniel. And I just don't see anyone being able to watch them for us.

So I'm OK with staying home. As long as my Mom gets to go. I'm sure, I have a friend or 2, to spend the holiday with. I know I can keep our little mutts happy. And I know, my Mom will be in good hands. You know, she can go at her pace. If she needs to rest...she has a room. If she wants to go somewhere, or do something...I know my sister will make it happen. If there's a day, that she just needs to stay in, she can.

And I think it's what my Momma needs. Something fun, relaxing, and time with my sister and Shawn. Sometimes you just have to "adult," and do what's best for another person. You know, DC will always be there. And I'm sure I can figure out, how to get there in my lifetime. Y'all...I managed to get myself to a Redsox game. So I'm confident.

Until then, ya that's me busting my butt. Hauling our Crafts...from Market to Market. You know 5 Markets, in 8 days. Almost killed me! But totally worth it. Until I sit down and crunch the numbers. Have you seen our tags? Only one color goes to us. Well, 2 if we get real technical. The pink and green. Orange tags, go to pay my Mom's medical bills. Yellow is for our Scholarship Fund. Blue is for the foundation. And purple is for our Fun Mail Fridays.

So when any given weekend shakes out, we might actually pocket 1/4 of the money. The rest, goes to our foundation or bills. So it's going to be a long road. We have a ton of Shows and Markets lined up. I'm working for about 10 days at the Fair. And I'm working my way, through a ton of orders! Speaking of...if you want to order anything, you can reach me at TwoCraftyHeartsOrders (at) gmail (dot) com. If you include WDCT (Washington DC Trip) somewhere in the email, I'll make sure the money goes to my Momma's trip.

I've got just over 2 months. I hope to buy the airline ticket, before the end of this month. At the latest, mid-September. And hope to continue to save send my Mom with a good amount of spending money. You know, so she can enjoy herself. Enjoy the entire experience. And have fun with my sister. Maybe head a little further north...for some exploring.

Speaking of, I haven't told my Mom or sister any of this. I figure if I can get my Mom there, my sister will take care of most of the rest. She is already planning family dinners. And adventures. My sister is like that. My job, is to get my Momma there. To take care of her. I promised my Dad that. And I mean, to do everything possible, to make it happen.


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