Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What's In My Purse?

One of my favorite blog posts and YouTube videos...are the "What's in my Purse." So today I'm linking up with Andrea...to show you what's in my bag. And if you know me, I carry a few. 

For example, I have a backpack, sitting on the floor of the living room. With stuff we took to the State Fair on Sunday. I'm leaving it packed, except for the food, until we go again this week. I also have a Market bag...that I take to the Growers' Markets. There might also be a tote, that I carry around. With my current project and such. And a big purse. Oh...there is also a work bag.

But today, I'm showing you my "little bag." I get asked about it...on YouTube a lot. It's the purse, that I grab on the go. Like when I run to the grocery store, shopping in general, or just a quick errand. My Mom bought it for me actually. It's just a small bag.

So my every day bag, was bought at the Growers' Market. And it holds my essentials. Not a lot of stuff. But things I might need on a quick trip to put gas, buy groceries, or run out to dinner. 

My bag is made out of fabric. And has a long strap. Something that is easy to wear as a Crossbody. My Momma added a snap to the front. That way I don't lose anything. I like this bag so much! In fact, I bought another one. Slightly larger. To fit my Kindle, when I know I'll be out a little longer. 

My Momma also has one. We bought my sister one. And have bought a few as gifts. It just a nice little bag, to take on a quick errand. It holds the basics. Without getting too crazy. And every person that we have given one to, loves it!

When I first started carrying my small bag, I had a wallet. But it seemed to be too big. Like I couldn't fit anything else inside. My Goddaughter sent me this change purse. And it's just big enough to fit my Debit card, giftcards, membership cards...and some cash. What else could you need?

I also have a HORRIBLE habit of losing my car keys. Keys in general. So I ALWAYS throw them in my purse. You will also find some gum. And tissue.  You just never know...

Electronics of some sort, are also in there. My phone. And a charger. Being a blogger/vlogger you need one. At all times. There's just so much to see and record. I also carry a small pad of paper and a pen. I prefer a purple one.

As a crafter, I also carry a crochet hook and scissors. You just never know! Sometimes, I have a couple of crochet hooks. Maybe a needle and thread. That kind of thing. Because I'm ALWAYS working on a project or order!

Although I don't wear a ton of makeup these days, I have a few essentials. Salveation ALWAYS! I have the chapstick...and the small tub. It's great to have for chapped lips, bug bites, dry skin, emergencies, etc.

I also always have a mirror. Sometimes, you'll find a nail clipper and tweezers. But there is always a mirror. And a hair tie. There are so many things, you can do with one of those! Oh, and red lipstick. I own so much red lipstick...that it is kind of funny! But this one is Revlon's Love That Red.

The only thing, not pictured is my snacks. I ALWAYS have snacks! But the day I was taking these pictures, I had just had my snack. So what do I carry? A peanut butter granola bar. And a small bag of beef jerky. I have both low sugar and iron. And need these on a regular.

If you're playing along, please post your link. I LOVE to read these posts! And watch these videos. They really are my favorite! Happy Tuesday!


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