Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rain or Shine #14

How has every one's week been? Ours has been so busy! We didn't expect it. At all! Being the week after a holiday...I would have thought it would have been slower. So let's talk...

I mean, we have had a ton of blessings. Just because, it was Easter. And He Has RISEN!!! What a blessing that is. All by itself. :)

When It Rains:

 1. Do you follow me on social media? Last Thursday...I was talking about how wonderful my day was going. My Mom and I were running errands. Everything was going perfect...until it wasn't. I had a major issue. I couldn't get my Driver's License.

 2. Why you ask? I had to go get a new Social Security card. So I'm waiting for it. And hoping I can get my new Driver's tomorrow. Well, you know what I mean. Go for it.

 3. We went to visit my little cousin. And only got to visit for like 30 minutes. Darn! We got there too late. Who knew, visiting hours were over at 7PM.

 4. Did I mention? My cousin is in the hospital. She's been there for 3 weeks. And will at least be there...for at least 5 more days. Boo!

 5. Having a meeting, the night before Easter. Who does that? The RYM...that's who! Good thing, I wasn't going out of town.

 6. Having 2 Easter BBQs, at the same time. We left one early...and we were late to the other. But we still managed to have a good time. 

 7. Missing our family at Friday's breakfast. We were just so early in our schedule. And they were running late. Boo! But we did get to visit for a little bit. 

 8. Losing my the doll I was making. It totally threw off my momentum. And now, I need to finish said doll.

 9. Not finishing up, my Easter gifts. I had thought I could make 20 something little baskets. And I was doing well. I was crocheting them. Just big enough for an egg to fit inside. Then I fell asleep early. Two nights in a row. And spent Saturday doing yard work. Oh, well. There is always next year...

10. My friend at the County Office...retired. So I'm working with someone new. It's not that she's bad. I just miss my friend Rick. He made our fundraisers so easy!

Sunny As Can Be!:

 1. Well, we did have a pretty productive Thursday. Last week. Quick trip to MVD. I think we were there, less than 20 minutes. Got our vehicle registration renewed. 

 2. I have my Birth Certificate. The right one. My original had an my name. But we managed to get it, in about 30 minutes. 

 3. We went on the walk to Tome Hill. What a blessing that is! And I managed to do it alone. Which really gave me time to reflect on life. And to pray. It refreshed my soul so much! 

 4. Torta Dinner! Do I need to say anything else? It was so yummy! I'm still thinking about it.

 5. Seeing friends. I had a meeting Saturday night. And I wasn't too excited about going. But you know what? I enjoyed catching up with friends. And seeing so many friendly faces. Completely excited, about the RYM opening. In just about a month!

 6. Easter!!! He is Risen! Everything about Sunday, made my soul sing! I just LOVE Jesus! I truly mean it, when I say that Jesus is my BFF. I couldn't do life, without him. He gives me strength, when I am weak. He believes in me, when I don't believe in myself. When I need comfort, he is there for me. Gosh, I LOVE Jesus!

 7. Easter BBQs. With tons of family and friends. It was just a nice day. Enjoyable. Fun. And so relaxing. Boy did we eat a lot too!

 8. Silly dogs. I just have to say, our dogs are amazing! And completely make my day. Every single day.

 9. Lunch with my Littlest Big Sis. And my SIL...and my Momma. We did a Birthday Lunch...a few weeks late. And although it was kinda quick, I totally enjoyed it. Boy Laguna Burgers are HUGE!!!

10. I also enjoyed a bite at Frontier this week. If you are local, you know what I mean. I love to eat there! But we don't go very often. I don't know why...

11. A visit with family. Although it was quick, I really enjoyed seeing my auntie and cousin. We took my cousin a little bag of treats. And just got to hangout for a few minutes. We're hoping to go back in a day or two.

12. Crafting success! We've been working our tails off. Literally. Trying to prepare for 2 Opening Days. And another festival. I got a few hat and bootie sets just about 24 hours.

13. Finding my doll arm. I know it sounds like a minor thing. But I was so sad, when I lost it. I looked everywhere for it! My Mom finally found it. And now, I need to finish my doll.

I literally just need to stuff said arm, and sew all the parts together. I think I have a few rows to crochet. And the skirt. Then put the hair on. It sounds like a lot. But really, it's about an hour of work.

14. Hanging out with my Momma. It may not sound like a big deal. But I really enjoy our time together. I'm getting ready, to go back to work. Even if it's just a part-time job. So getting this time to hangout, is so special.

I enjoy the little things. Like having breakfast together. Crafting together. Even if we are working on completely different projects. And our adventures. They are always the best! Even a pretty mundane trip to the grocery a fun adventure. When my Momma is involved.

15. Finding Reese's eggs...after Easter! For half price. The BEST shopping day of the year. Hands down. Love it! Those are my fav. And I accidentally gave away all the ones we bought. In Easter eggs and gifts. But it all worked out.

16. Getting into a local festival. I went on Monday to sign up. And it was so easy! We'll be selling for 3 different days in April. It's pretty exciting!

How was your week? I just love that Easter was this past week. I needed it. Of all the holidays, Easter really refreshes my soul. Like deep in my soul, it makes me feel good. Happy Thursday!


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