Tuesday, April 10, 2018

All Cacti, All the Time!

I know. I live in the Southwest. And when people come to visit our great state, they are generally looking for a few things. Mexican food, Mariachis, and cacti. Hahaha! Makes me laugh too.

The last, really makes me laugh. When we started selling at the ABQ Downtown Growers' Market...we started getting requests. My Mom makes these little pincushions. So many of our out-of-town customers kept admiring and buying them. Then I finally overheard a convo. People thought they were little cactus. We kept making them...

In the off season, we started to get requests for cactus hats. And I finally decided to check out some cactus projects. On Pinterest. When did our little cactus, get so popular? So here are a few more things, I've come across since. 

I'm in LOVE with those little bags! And the ring holders. The sign is super cute too! And honestly, I'm not a HUGE fan of cactus...more on that later. But these are cute.

The party items, on here...made me laugh! But they are pretty cute. If cactus is your thing! I really like the pillow in the middle. Super cute! Even for an outdoor seating area.

This bag caught my eye. If I were to "rock" the cacti...this is how I'd do it. I don't draw well. But this doesn't look hard. At all!

And how many of you, remember fabric paint from the 90s? My then SIL, made us all bags and shirts one year. For Christmas. Something similar to this idea. But more in designs that we liked. My Mom is obsessed with owls...so she got an owl. My Mom still uses that bag. So Sandra, if you're reading this...Mom LOVES that bag!

We make a TON of baby items! A TON!!! And I thought this would be super cute. In fact, the last time we went to the fabric store, we saw a lot of cacti prints. My Mom already makes similar onesies. With little diaper covers. So this would be fun, to incorporate into our little stash! The little button, totally makes it for me!

Recently on TV, I saw a similar craft. These would be fun, in a smaller size. Don't you think? Maybe an 8X10. The pom pom flower makes this for me!

These little pincushions, are something we've been asked to make. For a customer...or 5! I think they are super cute! And different. From the regular pincushions that you see.

And these little rock cacti, made me laugh! All the way, to the craft store. To look for supplies. You'd be surprised, how many people like to buy rock art. I know! But there is a booth, that makes painted rocks. To resemble animals and people. Super cute. So I think these would be fun too!

This hat pattern, made it's way around Facebook. During the winter. And I never found the original pattern. So I made one up. And I sold a ton, of these hats! All sizes. Honestly, I want one for me. Maybe I'll make one by next winter. :) The little flower, was my fav!

These little cacti, are so adorable! Early last season, I was sent this pic. And started to try and figure out, how to make them. There were zero patterns around! But I just adore these. If you come by the Growers' Markets...chances are, I'll have a dozen! No two, are alike!

I was also sent this pic. And I want to tackle these gals too! They feel a little more whimsical. With their eyes and flowers. 

To me, these look a little more, like a real cactus. I bought about a dozen pots, to make them. I just need to sit and make them. :)

And just last week, I found this in my email inbox! A pillow. Can anyone tell what my next project is going to be? Super fun! I just want to add a little smile to her.

So here's the thing, I didn't realize how popular cactus had become. I don't know where I've been. I just hadn't realized it. Which is hilarious! Being that any store you go to, has them all over their home decor items.

When I was little my Mom and Grandpa would eat cactus. Nopales actually. Me? Heck no! They were slimy! And it seemed weird to me. To eat the plants, that my Grandma would scream at us...to stay away from.

And then there was that incident, when my cousin fell into the cactus. And I had to sit and pull out the needles. With a pair of tweezers. The tiny needles. As we hide from our Grandma. And kept making our third cousin, run back and forth to the house. For supplies. And to cover for us. I was the oldest. So I got the job with the tweezers. We were scared to death of our Grandma finding out, what had happened. Because she probably would have beat us. Not really. But we would have been in some serious trouble!

And does anyone recall, that time Mr. Sancho stepped in the cactus? And then, sorta fell over it. When we were playing a gig. And we spent what seemed like hours, pulling out the needles. From his traje...while still having to keep to our gig schedule. I had nightmares about Attacking Cactus!!!

So I'm not the biggest fan. But they are cute. And although, I pass them up at the store...I can see the appeal. I'd much rather buy a fern, than a cactus. But I can see how people like them. Especially, if you are not from the Southwest. The crafted ones, are much cuter...than the real cactus. A lot less prickly too! :)

Have you seen any Cactus Crafts? Are you interested in them? Would you like to purchase something, similar? Just wondering. I'm always trying to stay ahead of the curve. Even if sometimes, I fall way behind! Happy Tuesday!


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